UN constructs 1 World parliament / Digital Government = all National Constitutions - National Law - Civilrights of Individuals - Power over Business ...moves to UN DATAPLATFORM.

This is Genocide with the approval of International Criminal Court.


The Game TheFinalShap = warning.

This is the system they use to Kill Humans with Internet of Bodies / Satellite.


Is Avicci 'gek geworden door Genocide program in Muziek wereld'?


Voedsel coating met Aluminium - Titanium /


Grafeen zoekt eiwit voor 3D model vorming = doodt mensen lichaam


Supermarkt Lobby supports Parliament that kills all Children with Bioweapon Food. They also want NON Valid EU legislation.



Hersenvervuiling met Grafeen; vast stellen / genezen van Neurologische ziekten.

Aggressor AI robot that determines Brain problems in Humans for WHO. ALL people on Graphene as Cure.


Chip in Kleding voor Lokaliseren van Mens voor Moord per AI sateliet.


Mens vol stoppen met ICT voor veranderen Lichaaam per Satelliet .


Mensen Lichaam wijzigen per Satelliet = DNA oorlog via Computer.


Lichaam wordt tot Robot Gemaakt met Grafeen.


Blackrock maakt van Mens Natural Assets en verdient dan geld aan wijzigen van Mensenlichaam per satelliet.


Wijzigen van menselijk skelet per Satelliet = moord


Grafeen in mens voor Apparaat vrije spionage / slavernij.


sa-mRNA = geen eetbare Eiwit/ = wel een aangeboren Eiwit vervanger, die je Lichaam ombouwt tot Plastic ding.


Soylent Green = Kannibalisme = Dode mens in biowapen / water / voedsel / eiwit systemen. = invest 2 billion to turn Women into slaves for Microwave murder and Money making investeerders / mensenhandelaren / verpauperings industrie bepalen wat Gezondheid & Zorg zijn = alle Kinderen worden geslaafd of gedood per AI robot


Geld verdienen aan Rampen - Geweld - Oorlog - Demonstraties - Zorg terreur - Mensenhandel - Verpauperings industrie


Kids / Studenten trained to become WEF Genocide Conductors.'

Young people trained to sacrifice Lifetime to Bigpharma & WAR .


EU - UN - Investors create Man-made Natural Disasters. Not only with Chemtrails, but also by Digging Holes... what cause Waterway to flood land. Sabotaging riverbanks , with Pipelines... so land will flood.

FAKE Climate Investments

Amsterdam onderwater door Parlement / Schiphol


Geplande rampen 2030 = overstromingen


Internationaal Watermanagement heeft Amsterdam goed in kaart gebracht voor genocide.


DARPA - de HAARP maker heeft geen technologie om Software te beveiligen. WO3 5G oorlog is niet beveiligd.


1 Foto + AI = 100% nonsens story = Evidence Falsification problem Courts of Law.


Do not have yourself fooled by CHAT - AI systems.

They don't test Torture-treaty Use Truth.

They don't test the Truth of Content on DATAplatforms.

They do rake DATA from 32.000 Maps to create a Story. This story can be 100% false.

They don't Really test the Human Intelligence either: they test if you have a Memory for Bullshit.


This what you are looking for; holes made in dikes.


Waterpomps are not construced for Warcrimes Floods, conducted by Parliament / Countrymanagement


Overstromingen veroorzaken heet Amber Project. Doen zij voor de vissen.


Google verspelt FLOODS met AI = Kassa.


We don't kill Poor - Elite- Business with man-made floodings.


NL - Italië Volk wordt moedwillig geofferd voor Maken Professoren KLimaat


Removing Zandvoort DAM = loss of Wealthy village Bloemendaal in NL - NoordHolland


FBI school:

CHATP AI robots design Codes for Hacking other Servers / Computers.

This is the End of ICT industry.


Lansweeper follows all IT activity linked to your device... in the environment.

Mens = slaaf = eigendom van Bedrijf / Overheid.

Mens wordt Overal & Altijd gevolgd en deze DATA wordt misbruikt voor Total control / Diefstal / Moord/


DNS = Domain of your computer.

All DARKWEB criminals use your DNS to follow you.

You can improve your privacy.

But, at the End of the Line... this Quad9 = the New DATAPLATFORM for

  • 1 world parliament
  • IoT world for Partners of UN-genocide.

I have not closed down my DNS tracking, because Hardware / Software follows my Int.CrimCourt communications.

Meaning: I do know faster WHO is devil in my Inbox.

Most important thing to do = Do Not Work with Creditcards.


Centrale Bank Digitaal Geld

= 100% gedecentraliseerd geld

= Alle Bedrijven verliezen Macht over hun Eigen Bankrekening.

Overheid krijgt alle DATA van elk mens / bedrijf... en dit kan niet beveiligd worden.

= Geld kan verdwijnen

= Geld wordt gelabeld voor bepaalde goederen / diensten

= Toegang tot Geld als Moordwapen in handen van Hardware / Software bedrijven.

Rechtspraak verdwijnt.


Governments still want People to take the Covid Vaccin, while Danmark has proven that Vaccin Bathes determine the impact of Genocide / ill making impact on human body.

Batchnumbers indicate 'how ill / death you will be'.

We don't Do #GlobalHealthRegulation at #SAMSEM

Each Samsem-member is as much disconnected from AI in Health as possible. Because its WO3 and its planned by Devil 'to change the content of the Medical File for Murder & Money'.





Energie voorziening bepaalt: wel / geen kanker.